How long can the roller rack be designed? Heavy rack factory analysis

May 11, 2024

The roller rack, also known as the roller rack or gravity rack, is a pallet storage rack in the storage rack. Its main feature is that the rack is equipped with a roll device, which is usually set at a slope of 3 to 5 degrees. When the pallet goods are transported to the purchase port of the shelf with a forklift, the pallet can automatically slide from the inlet to the pick-up port at the other end using its own gravity, thus realizing the first-in-first-out storage of the goods. How long can the roller rack be designed? Heavy duty rack factory dissolving.


The drum shelf of the heavy rack factory is generally within 10 meters per roadway, and the design is too long will affect the efficiency. The height is usually not too high, generally about 6 meters, and the weight of the single load is generally limited to less than 2000KG to ensure its reliability and operability.


When using the roller rack of the heavy-duty rack factory, there are also some things to pay attention to. For example, in order to ensure the safety of the rack operation, a damping device should be added in the middle. At the same time, a buffer device and a pick-up divider should be set up at the lowest point of the ramp to prevent the pallet goods from tipping over due to excessive impact when they slide to the bottom. In general, the roller rack is a powerful and efficient storage rack, suitable for a variety of occasions that require efficient storage and transportation.

