Warehouse shelf

  • Mezzanine rack, a variety of large quantities of goods storage necessary

    November 19, 2024

    Mezzanine rack, a variety of large quantities of goods storage necessary

    ​ The main role of warehouse shelves is to store goods, and for more specifications and more categories and want to achieve the same space storage, there are not many types of warehouse shelves that can meet these needs, and the mezzanine shelf is one of them, manual access to goods, the use of relatively light cargo storage. It can be customized according to different requirements to meet various cargo storage requirements.
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  • How many years can custom cold storage shelves be used?

    November 21, 2024

    How many years can custom cold storage shelves be used?

    ​ Cold storage shelves are used to store goods in the cold storage warehouse shelves, common drive-in shelves, shuttle shelves, double deep shelves, gravity shelves, etc., are commonly used in cold storage shelves. Because the cold storage temperature is low, the requirements for shelf materials will be higher than that of normal temperature storage. Also because it is a low temperature warehouse, many companies are worried about the service life of the shelf, that custom cold storage shelf can use how many years you? Let's find out.
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