Cold storage special racks have what style

May 22, 2024

1.Through rack: This is one of the special rack types for cold storage commonly used in large and medium-sized cold storage rooms. The through rack has the characteristics of mass storage in structure, and its corridor structure and continuous storage can make great use of cold storage space.

Special rack for cold storage

2, shuttle rack: This kind of warehouse shelf has the characteristics of automation, economic efficiency, and very little human participation. Shuttle rack is the product of the combination of traditional rack and modern control equipment, and the operating principle of shuttle rack is that the goods on the pallet are transported from the storage end to the storage end by the shuttle car.

Special rack for cold storage

3, gravity rack: gravity rack is a new type of rack formed by optimizing the structure of the beam rack. It installs several roller devices on the beam, and tilts at a certain slope, cleverly uses the effect of earth gravity to achieve the displacement of the goods, which belongs to the first-in-first-out storage method, and is also very suitable for the cold storage of goods.

Of course, double depth rack and four-way shuttle three-dimensional warehouse rack are also commonly used in cold storage, which type is suitable for use, can be selected according to the storage effect and budget you want to achieve.
