What are the types of manual access goods on warehouse racks

June 21, 2024

There are many types of warehouse racks, which are divided into manual access goods, forklift access goods, automatic access goods. Light goods are generally based on manual access goods, what are the types of manual access goods on the warehouse racks? Let's find out.


Common is the warehouse laminated shelves (also called shelf racks or partition racks), attic shelves, platform shelves, fluent shelves of these types, and cantilever racks can also be manual access to goods. It can be seen that there are not many types of warehouse racks for manual direct access to goods, and these types of racks are generally used for relatively light goods. If it is heavy goods, it will choose pallet racks, drive-in racks, narrow roadway racks and other types of storage.


In addition to one or two types of shelf, such as laminated racks, other light shelves or heavy racks, most types need to be customized. Custom storage racks generally need to be designed first in order to calculate the accurate price. Warehouse racks factory can be based on demand planning and design scheme quotation.
