Warehouse shelves intensive cold storage racks

July 01, 2024

Intensive warehouse racks refer to warehouse racks with large storage capacity, for warehouses with high storage requirements, the use of intensive racks is best, such as cold storage, procurement warehouse racks will give priority to intensive racks. That warehouse racks intensive cold storage racks what? Let's find out.

Cold storage rack

There are several types of common intensive warehouse racks, such as drive-in racks, double depth racks, narrow roadway racks, gravity racks, shuttle racks, automated warehouse racks, etc. Among them, widely used in cold storage of goods are warehouse racks entry racks, double depth racks, gravity racks, shuttle racks.

Cold storage shelf

Among them, the shuttle rack is a semi-automatic storage rack, the forklift fork the goods to each layer of each lane on the first cargo position, you can achieve automatic storage, take the goods vice versa. Other types are heavy cold storage rack types with direct access to forklifts. It can be seen that warehouse shelf intensive cold storage rack type is more, can be customized according to the needs of size, bearing, layers, height and so on.
