Which shelves are used for beverage storage? Heavy storage rack manufacturers analysis

July 12, 2024

Beverage storage requires use of warehouse racks. Beverages are generally large quantities of goods with uniform specifications, so they are relatively convenient to store. There are many types of heron racks, which are suitable for storing drinks. What kind of shelf is used for beverage storage? Heavy storage rack manufacturers analysis.

Heavy storage rack

The common warehouse racks for beverage storage have drive-in racks, shuttle racks, and gravity rollers, which are all intensive warehouse racks with large storage capacity. In addition to these two, there are pallet racks and double depth racks of heavy storage rack manufacturers, which are also commonly used types of beverage storage, but these two kinds of storage capacity is not as high as the front.

Heavy storage rack

Now is the era of intelligence, many enterprises have also considered investing in intelligent three-dimensional warehouse rack storage goods. Beverage warehouse will also use the stacker three-dimensional warehouse, four-way car three-dimensional warehouse racks of these two automatic storage racks. However, the cost of automated repository is relatively high and requires a certain budget to achieve. But no matter what type is chosen, heavy storage rack manufacturers can offer free design schemes according to demand.
