Auto parts warehouse rack, large capacity and efficient

August 07, 2024

In the auto parts warehouse, the selection and design of the rack is very important, which directly affects the storage efficiency and space utilization of the warehouse. Here is a look at the commonly used auto parts warehouse rack types of auto parts, respectively, what kind of storage effect can be achieved.

Auto parts warehouse rack

1, shelf rack: suitable for manual access to goods, suitable for small, lightweight auto parts.

2, attic rack: suitable for manual access to goods, can also be designed into multi-storey, suitable for limited space warehouse.

3, beam rack: need to use forklift access goods, suitable for large, heavy auto parts.

4, gravity rack: goods first in first out, intensive storage, heavy auto parts product adaptation.

5, automatic three-dimensional warehouse racks: suitable for automatic access to goods, suitable for a large number of the same auto parts storage.

Auto parts warehouse rack

Different auto parts have different storage needs, such as tires, glass, exhaust pipes, shock absorbers, etc., may require different types of auto parts warehouse racks. Reasonable auto storage rack layout can not only improve the space utilization of the warehouse, but also improve work efficiency and reduce labor costs.
