Cold storage shuttle rack, cold storage intelligent intensive storage solutions

August 20, 2024

Shuttle rack semi-automatic storage rack system, widely used in warehouse storage goods. With the development of cold chain logistics and agricultural product processing industry, the demand for cold storage using shuttle rack system is growing. Cold storage shuttle racks can not only improve storage density, but also achieve a certain degree of automation, thereby improving work efficiency and ensuring the safety of staff.

Cold storage shuttle rack

1, intensive storage: shuttle racks are intensive storage shelves, can significantly improve storage density.

2, semi-automatic operation: With the shuttle car and forklift, to achieve semi-automatic access to goods, reduce manual operation.

3, strong environmental adaptability: racks and supporting equipment after special treatment, can operate stably under low temperature and high humidity conditions

4, high safety: reduce the working time of personnel in the cold storage, reduce health risks.

Cold storage shuttle rack

Cold storage shuttle rack because of its unique advantages, in the cold chain logistics and agricultural products processing and other fields to show great potential, become an important means to improve the utilization of cold storage space and work efficiency, cold storage intelligent intensive storage solutions. When choosing shelf suppliers, it is recommended to consider those warehouse rack manufacturers with mature technology and rich cases to ensure the stability and reliability of the system.
