High quality storage moisture-proof rack, 10+ years of service life

August 29, 2024

If you want the warehouse rack to have a longer service life, the surface treatment of the rack should be sprayed evenly and have strong adhesion. The length of service life has a great relationship with the quality of the rack, but it is also closely related to the use environment. For example, in wet warehouses, you have to use storage moisture-proof rack to maximize the service life.

Moisture-proof storage rack

The surface of the storage rack will be sprayed with moisture-proof spray paint to block the direct contact between steel and water, but the paint will be oxidized and fall off for a long time, and it should be checked many times in wet weather and timely treatment. Warehouse to maintain natural ventilation, conditions do not allow for mechanical ventilation. The internal temperature is more than 15 degrees higher than the external temperature, and the ventilation window should be opened in time for ventilation, and the warehouse must be closed.

Moisture-proof storage rack

When the warehouse is wet, wiping the rack with wet rags and mopping the floor with wet mops will be easy to be damp twice, and dry rags and mops should be used to clean up the moisture. It can be seen that in addition to the quality of warehouse rack, the use of the environment also needs to be focused on in order to have a longer service life. High quality storage moisture-proof rack, 10+ years of service life.
