High-rise storage rack to create vertical storage space

September 03, 2024

Can design a higher height of the warehouse rack, also known as high-rise storage rack, is a place for the storage of materials, is now the modern storage plane space into a three-dimensional space of choice. The total height of ordinary warehouse shelves can generally only be designed below 10 meters, but high-rise rack can be designed to a height of more than 20 meters, which is the height of automatic three-dimensional warehouse rack to achieve.

High-rise warehouse rack

High-rise storage rack adopt three-dimensional storage mode, which can maximize the use of warehouse space and improve the storage efficiency and work efficiency of the warehouse. The height is generally 10 meters and above, which can store more products. For example, stacker three-dimensional warehouse rack and four-way shuttle three-dimensional warehouse rack are common three-dimensional high-rise rack.

High-rise warehouse rack

Of course, there is a non-automated rack is a very special existence, that is, narrow roadway rack, with three-way forklift access to goods, the total height can be designed to 15 meters, but also three-dimensional use of space, is comparable to the automatic three-dimensional warehouse rack of traditional high-rise storage rack. The cost will be much lower than the automated rack, if the budget is limited, and want to make full use of space, you can consider narrow lane rack.
