Multi-layer storage rack, enterprise efficient storage solutions

September 06, 2024

Multi-layer storage racks refer to rack systems with three or more layers of storage space. These storage racks not only improve the efficiency of space use, but also facilitate the movement of goods up and down by means of elevators, stairs or escalators. Through the use of vertical space, the storage capacity per unit area is maximized.

Multilevel storage racks

Multilevel storage racks can be stand-alone systems or part of a larger logistics facility, such as an automated warehouse. Today is the era of intelligence, and the use of automated shelves is very advantageous for cities with tight land resources or enterprises that need to store a large number of goods. And can achieve the effect of reducing cost and increasing efficiency, management and worry.

Multilevel storage racks

The shelf height of multi-storey warehouse is higher, generally more than six or seven meters. Many companies will worry about whether they can withstand earthquakes and typhoons. Normally, quality standards or high quality multi-storey storage shelves, seismic levels can reach more than six or seven, the typhoon is not to worry about.
