Cold storage heavy duty rack customization budget

May 14, 2024

Cold storage goods need to use cold storage racks, suitable for use in cold storage warehouse racks of many types, such as common type of rack, gravity rack, double depth rack, shuttle rack and so on. Because of the need for customization, how much budget does it take to customize the cold storage heavy rack?

Cold storage heavy rack customized

The above mentioned cold storage rack types need to be customized according to demand, and the customization process is to plan and design the plan according to demand, and check the price quotation after determining the plan. Of course, if there is a clear demand plan, cold storage heavy rack manufacturers can also directly according to the program price quotation. Therefore, how much the specific budget needs to be calculated according to the demand.

Cold storage heavy rack customized

It should be noted that cold storage with very low temperature, such as cold storage below -18°, generally choose materials more suitable for low temperature cold storage, and the cost will be higher than the price of storage rack materials used in normal temperature storage. Cold storage heavy rack customization is a process that needs to consider a number of factors. By identifying the requirements, selecting the right materials, designing the rack structure, customizing the details, selecting a reliable cold storage rack supplier, and performing installation and maintenance, you can obtain a quality rack that perfectly meets your warehouse needs.

