What are the types of racks for intensive storage? Warehouse heavy racks factory analysis

May 14, 2024

Intensive shelves refer to storage racks with large storage capacity, and for warehouses with high storage requirements, intensive storage rackes are the first choice for storage. What are the types ofracks for intensive storage? Warehouse heavy racks factory analysis.

Warehouse heavy rack factory

Warehouse heavy racks factory common intensive storage rack types are drive-in racks, gravity racks, double depth racks, narrow lane racks, shuttle racks these several. There are several types of automatic intensive warehouse racks, such as four-way shuttle truck stereoscopic storage, stacker stereoscopic storage, and CTU stereoscopic storage.

Warehouse heavy rack factory

It can be seen that there are many types of intensive storage racks in the warehouse heavy rack factory, and the storage effect and cost of each type are different. You can choose the right type according to the goods, warehouse and storage effect you want to achieve, or you can choose according to the budget. For example, the cost of intensive automation racks is higher than the intensive storage racks of forklift access goods, if the budget is limited, you can choose ordinary intensive racks.

