What maintenance needs to be done on shuttle rack?

September 22, 2023
If you want to ensure the normal use of shuttle racks and extend their life, daily maintenance cannot be ignored. So what maintenance should be done on shuttle racks?

1. Regular cleaning


Shelves should be cleaned regularly, such as vacuuming and wiping the surface of the shelves, to remove dust and foreign matter attached to the shelves.


2. Daily maintenance


Pay attention to the looseness and wear of rack components, and promptly repair and replace relevant spare parts when abnormal problems are discovered.


3. Anti-rust treatment


The metal parts of the shelves are prone to moisture, oxidation and rust, so the shelves need to be rust-proofed to ensure the service life of the equipment.


4. Safety inspection


Safety inspections and maintenance of shuttle robots, control systems, etc. should be carried out regularly to ensure safe and reliable operation.


In short, for the maintenance of shuttle racks, it is necessary to determine the corresponding maintenance plan according to the actual situation, and carry out maintenance and maintenance in strict accordance with the specifications to ensure the normal operation of the equipment and extend the service life of the racks.
