Warehouse shelves through racks and narrow lane racks which kind of cargo space is more dense

July 02, 2024

If the warehouse wants to reduce the cost and increase the efficiency, the storage capacity is the first consideration. Intensive warehouse racks are the type with larger storage capacity and are widely used in major warehouses. Intensive shelf types are also divided into many kinds, the warehouse racks through the racks and narrow lane racks which kind of cargo space is more dense?

Narrow lane rack

Through the rack is also called corridor racks or drive-in racks, is a kind of intensive storage racks, a single cargo load can be designed to 2 tons, forklift directly into the cargo access, such a design, cargo intensive storage reserves. The narrow tunnel rack is a heavy duty rack between 1.6-2 meters in the forklift channel, and the height can be designed to 15 meters, which is a kind of high rack that can be comparable to the automated warehouse rack.

Narrow lane rack

To say which warehouse racks through racks and narrow roadway racks more dense, according to the density of goods is of course through shelves. However, the total height of the through rack is generally designed within 10 meters, and the goods can not be freely selected. The total height of narrow roadway racks can be designed to more than 10 meters, and the goods can be freely selected. So they each have their own advantages, according to the need to choose the right type.
