Chemical barrel warehouse racks are intensive storage

Intensive warehouse rack refers to the intensive use of space for higher racks, intensive design can maximize the storage of goods, to achieve the effect of reducing storage costs. The chemical barrel warehouse racks are intensive storage? Let's find out.
There are several types of warehouse racks suitable for storing chemical barrels, such as pallet racks, drive-in racks, narrow roadway racks, double depth racks, etc. If you want to store more densely, you can use intensive warehouse racks, such as drive-in racks, which are the type of intensive storage racks suitable for storing chemical barrels.
Chemical barrel warehouse racks can be customized according to demand, in general, there is no stock. There are many types of storage racks, most of which need to be customized. The reason why there are different types of distinction is because the storage effect is not the same. For example, intensive warehouse racks are heavy shelf types that pay more attention to storage capacity and density. The customization cycle is generally about half a month, if it is used in a hurry, it needs to be planned in advance.
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