Apra through warehouse rack

May 31, 2024

Customer name: Apra (China) Technology Co., LTD

Project industry: Manufacturing industry

Shelf area: 2200 square meters

Project location: Foshan, China

Customer profile:

Apra (China) Technology Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in technology development, technology transfer, technical consultation and technical services in the field of new materials science and technology, mold design and manufacturing of non-metal products, mold parts manufacturing, plastic product design and development, plastic container products production, packaging transmission equipment assembly, and provide related technical consulting services.

Project follow-up:

Apra's customized storage shelves are mainly used for the storage of heavy goods. It requires large storage capacity and high storage density, and Eyda shelf engineers designed through warehouse racks with dense storage capacity.

Through racks are also called drive-in racks or corridor racks, forklift trucks directly into the cargo access, saving channel space, intensive storage. The bearing capacity can be designed to more than 2 tons, and the height can be designed to more than 8 meters, which is suitable for the storage of single goods with unified specifications and categories.

Live display:

Through warehouse racks

Through warehouse racks

Through warehouse racks
