One sugar world shuttle rack storage rack

May 31, 2024

Customer name: Dongguan One Sugar World Sugar Industry Co., LTD

Project industry: Sugar industry

Shelf area: 2800 square meters

Project location: Dongguan, China

Customer profile:

Dongguan Yitang World Sugar Industry Co., Ltd. is a food enterprise specializing in research and development, production and sales of beverage syrups and customized blended syrups. The main business is the development and production of high fructose corn syrup, sucrose syrup, rock sugar syrup, brown sugar syrup and compound syrup.

Project follow-up:

In order to improve the storage capacity, the customized warehouse shelves can effectively improve the efficiency of goods access and save labor costs. Eyda warehouse rack engineers designed shuttle shelf warehouse racks with large storage capacity and high storage efficiency according to their needs.

The shuttle rack is a semi-automatic storage rack, and the efficiency of accessing goods is between the ordinary warehouse rack and the automatic storage shelf. For companies with limited budgets and who want to fully improve operational efficiency, shuttle racks are the first choice. After the use of intelligent shuttle shelves, the storage capacity and storage efficiency of the entire warehouse have been effectively improved, improving the phenomenon of warehouse chaos, saving labor and operating costs.

Live display:

Shuttle rack

Shuttle rack

Shuttle rack
